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Investment Fund

Protecting capital against inflation
An open investment project focused on capital saving and growth with a stable annual return of 8-10% USD in the current economic conditions.

All deals details will be published in the public access here, on the website, as well as in our Telegram channel. You can copy our trade deals yourself or join our waiting list to join our fund's investors in the future.
The fund launch:
February 25, 2025
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Planning annual yield, in USD:
The fund launch in:
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The interest a bank charges on a deposit often does not cover the inflation rate, especially in low-income or developed economies. In addition, interest on deposits is taxed, which further reduces their real return.

Why not the bank?

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  • In advanced economies (USA, EU) inflation is about 3-7%.
  • In emerging markets (e.g., India, Brazil) — higher, sometimes 8-10%.
  • We do not take into account hyperinflation in some countries.

Evershield Fund

For whom

How it works

We do not make false promises of superior returns. High returns are always associated with high risks. Our goal is to work with people who are looking for a stable and passive source of income.
At the current stage, we are using only our own funds to test and refine our investment strategy. It is aimed at achieving a stable annual return of 8-10%, which allows us to cover the average global inflation rate.
If you're looking for a way to protect your capital with minimal risk:
By clicking on the “Join the waitlist” button you confirm that you agree to our privacy policy.
Historical evidence shows that most high-risk strategies often lead to losses in the long run. According to research, more than 90% of traders actively trading in financial markets lose money, while low-risk strategies are more likely to meet expectations.
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© 2024 Evershield Fund, all rights reserved
The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, investment, or legal advice. We do not guarantee positive financial results and encourage you to make well-considered decisions. All investment decisions are made at your own risk. Before making any investment decisions, we recommend consulting a professional financial advisor.
Risk disclosure:
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By clicking on the “Submit request” button you confirm that you agree to our privacy policy.
The waitlist
Evershiled Investment Fund